Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kisses and love

Well today I slept kinda late. I am not too worried about it. I did a lot of things during the time I was awake. I folded and put away the clothes that were in the dryer, changed Spike's bedding and washed out his food dish, cleaned the plastic tub Spike played in because he peed in it, fed him, fed the cats, changed their water, straightened up the bathroom, emptied the bathroom and kitchen trashes, and swept the floor in the bedroom. Right now I am about to fold and put away some more clothes. Keith got home about an hour ago and we sat together on the couch while flipping through the TV for something to watch. He was watching "The Stand" which was on sci-fi, but then he went to his parents' house. He hasn't been over much this week since we have the washer and they were having pot roast so he's gonna have something to eat. I don't eat pot roast, so I'm gonna find something in a little while. I have veggie burgers, there's a can of tuna in the cabinet, and I could always have some ice cream. Ok, so ice cream is the unhealthy choice for dinner and I am not gonna pick it.

When we were sitting together, we were kissing and he was holding me so tight. It was so nice and it always is so nice to sit or lay with him. We can talk about our days, or how he is annoyed with people at work, or how my parents are splitting up, or anything else. We talk about the cats, about Spike, about what we need at the store, about the washer, about us. When we kiss its like magic. I have always said its like magic... and maybe thats because I feel like a princess when he is around.

“Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases” Chinese Proverb

That is a link to a site where there are breathtakingly beautiful shoes. These shoes are actually called Nina, just like me. This girl would really want these shoes, especially the Hanne LS in Powder Sand Luster that are shown at the above link. They are so pretty. I never had shoes that cost 79. 95 in my whole life, but I imagine that wearing shoes like that I would be kissed all the time. Keith would think I was so pretty if I had these shoes. I mean they would heighten my prettyness to a level beyond anything I have ever known. I think this because I have seen the way he looks when I wear my heels, and those are 20 dollar heels.

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