Tuesday, May 29, 2007


My name is Nina. I have red hair, hazel eyes, and freckles. My favorite color is pink. My favorite music is country, except for the 80s & 70s classics I like and some 90s crap. The 00s have been cool too for music, but nothing compares to '88. That was the year this girl was born. I think that the stars were alligned in the sky and at the exact moment I was born, the angels must have been smiling. After all I have all these angel kisses (freckles) and have totally followed a blessed path. Actually I guess you can say its a blessed broken road. You know, like the song. I hated being little and wanted so much to grow up. Now that I'm grown up I find myself wishing I liked being little more. Not that I hate being grown up. Its awesome. I don't have to be in bed by 8:30 or ask permission for everything I do. I courteously ask if its cool to go out sometimes in case my boyfriend wanted to do something with me, or would miss me too much, or would rather I stay in for some reason. Another plus of being grown up: I get to live with my boyfriend. His name is Keith. He has dark brown/kinda black hair, brown eyes, and no freckles. Its OK though because he's got muscles and that's pretty hot. Also because he treats me like a princess. He says I'm his princess.

The whole princess thing is why I call this blog "ever after for the princess". You know at the end of the story it almost always says that they lived happily ever after. Even though in modern times our stories usually don't end like that, I have grown to love the idea of living happily ever after. But what does it mean? I guess thats all in the interpretation. My interpretation is that ever after is a long, long time. Like forever. I figure that whether its happily or sometimes not, ever after is pretty sweet. I wanna be a princess and have my own ever after... which will be the kind of story that isn't always happy, but is totally about love and friendship and understanding and being at peace. You know there will be bad things that happen. To me. To you. To everyone. Its the way you deal with those things, the way you pick yourself up and piece your life back together that matters. And I think that forever and always I will have someone to piece things back together with. Not that we will be in trouble all the time, cause I am not saying or predicting that kind of calamity. I am just saying that if there was catastrophe and there is bound to be at some point, we'll be OK.

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